The following medical simulation products are under development and will be released shortly:
1. Episim™
3. Medsim SDK
The Epidural Injection Simulator (Episim) allows trainees to inject a needle into the epidural space of a virtual patient with a sense of touch. The Episim is particularly suitable for procedural training for practitioners in the military, as well as for trainees in civilian medicine such as obstetrics/gynecology, anesthesia and pain management
Key features for the Episim include:
- Multiple visual display modes for the lumbar area (including fluoroscopic x-ray images as well as a 3D model of the needle, the spine, and surrounding tissues)
- Custom haptic interface, including:
- A PHANTOM™ haptic device mounted within a mannequin
- An actuated syringe that simulates a loss of resistance
- Patented tool-tissue haptic interaction algorithms
- Educational interface to present multimedia didactic teaching materials
The Laparoscopic Simulator (Lapsim) is a training system based on the same simulation platform as the Episim. The Lapsim is a two-handed system that allows users to learn basic manipulative skills in a minimally invasive environment.
Key features for the Lapsim include:
- Multiple visual display modes for the abdominal area (including fluoroscopic x-ray images as well as 3D models of the tools and the internal organs)
- Custom haptic interface, including:
- Two custom PHANTOM™ haptic devices with laparoscopic tool handles as end effectors
- Patented tool-tissue haptic interaction algorithms
- Educational interface to present multimedia didactic teaching materials
The Medsim SDK is a C++ based medical simulation platform that incorporates multimedia didactic teaching, tissue deformations, tool-tissue haptic interactions, and 3D graphics rendering with haptics device support, including the PHANTOM haptic device family. It is a scalable platform upon which our Episim and Lapsim systems are developed. The Medsim SDK is available to third party developers through a licensing agreement.
For information on these products, please contact